Monday, January 28, 2013

Water Drops

Yesterday I took pictures of smoke, today was water!  It has been another shoot that I have wanted to do for awhile!  I am really happy with how they turned out!! :)  I had 30 pictures that I really liked, and it was really really hard to pick only 3 for the blog!!

P.S.  Remember- if you click on the pictures you see a much larger and better view :)

and below here, you can see my awesome set up, haha. I was looking online to see what other people did, and they had very elaborate fancy set ups with tripods and other tripods and poles and clamps holding a little dripper thing over top the water in a exact spot etc etc.  I went a little more simpler route, I filled our "popcorn bowl" almost full of water, dumped a bit of red juice in it to give it some colour, and then added more water to get the water right to the rim.  Then got our old bath mat out of the closet and draped it over my toolbox for a background, found a bunch of katie's books to stick my camera on so its level with the water (my tripod was way to high) oh ya, then added some ripped newspaper to stabilize the camera a bit lol, then set the flash on its tripod to the side a bit, stuck my finger in the middle of the bowl so i could focus on it, then switched to manual focus after that, I didn't have a eye dropper thing, so just filled a zip lock bag 1/4 full of water and poked a hole in it :) aimed for the center of the bowl and fired away! about half way through, I decided to add the yellow book on the other side of the bowl, for a splash of extra colour in the water droplets.

now you know all my secrets! :)


Taking some cool smoke pictures has been on my "bucket list" for probably 3 years now.  So tonight I finally decided to go out and buy some incense and see what I could do!  I think they turned out pretty cool for a first timer! :)

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Sneak Peek of Darcy's 2nd birthday photoshoot

We took our nephew Darcy out to the park to take some pictures since his 2nd birthday is coming up soon, and it turned into such a nice day! :) Here are a couple favourites from the day :)